Celebrities In Persuasive Advertising

Athletes promoting products for men are very popular because the majority of men watch/play some type of sport and admire these men and therefore will want to use or wear the same products as these celebrities. Gillette Fusion Power – Gillette have created this advert using 3 athletes who are at the top of their sport. Thierry Henry, Tiger Woods and Roger Federer. Each are an expert at their own sport and so relating to the majority of sports fans over the world. If this razor is good enough that top athletes use it then every man across the world must own it too.

David Beckham is respected and admired by men all over the world as well as being one of the most well known celebrities on the planet. Therefore he is perfect for any type of advertising and here he is promoting underwear for H&M. Beckham is also very popular with the ladies who will also go and purchase these products for their boyfriend, husband etc just because it is David Beckham who is the face of it.

This is another example of using a celebrity to promote a product. Katy Perry is advertising ‘Proactiv’ which is an acne skincare range used to help fight against spots and blemishes and Katy Perry speaks in the advert about how she struggled with her skin until she started using proactiv and this shocks us because we never think that celebrities ever have bad skin and looking at her skin now you would never know so this is a perfect way to persuade people who have acne to try this product and end up with skin as flawless as any celebrity.

In advertisements now, the brands are using celebrities to try and persuade us to buy the product and make us think well if it’s good enough for them then it’s good enough for me. The majority of women are envious of celebrities and see these models, actresses or singers and wish they could be just like them. Whether its Keira Knightly for Chanel or Kim Kardashian for Sketchers, celebrities promote many products which persuades us more into purchasing such goods. This image is obviously Cheryl Cole promoting a new product by L’Oreal Paris.

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